BJ's Unlimited Crafts

Creating family Memories

My Unique Journey

Hi! My name is Barbie Williams, and I’m the creator of BJ’s Unlimited Crafts. My love of crafting goes back to my childhood.  My mom and aunts made dolls, clothes and quilts. When I was 7 years old, my favorite aunt taught me and my sisters how to cross stitch. I have been crafting ever since.  When I got older, my mom was making quilted photo albums, calendars and baby books and she always made us something special every year for our birthdays and Christmas.  We would also bake every year at Christmas. She inspired my love for all things crafty!  She passed in 2019 unexpectedly.  I miss her so much, but I feel connected to her every day through my crafts. 

One tradition she inspired was exchanging ornaments every year once my sisters and I had grown up, married and moved out on our own. I have continued this every year since 1997.  Our family has grown so much now, that I am up to making about 35 ornaments every year. 🙂 I am also trying to keep up with the tradition of making something special for my sisters and my kids every Christmas too. 

I’ve never really sold that many of my items, but a lot of people keep telling me I should, so, I’ve decided to open an online boutique this year from October 1st through December 31st.

Our Mission

BJ’s Unlimited Crafts comes from my name, but my sister is the only one who calls me BJ. I didn’t want to use my name, as Mattel doesn’t like it when I do lol.

I enjoy crafting a variety of items, with a focus on Halloween and Christmas themes. However, I also create birthday and other decor pieces.

For the Boutique this year, my offerings include handmade cards, memory albums, ornaments, home decor items, gnomes, and travelers notebooks. I also might bring out some items as the season goes on.  It depends on what I have time to make.

I take pride in my craftsmanship and strive to create items that will endure for years to come.
I hope you find something special here that can be cherished as an heirloom in your family for generations to come.


Barbie Williams

Crafting is my favorite thing to do.

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